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Survivor Hut

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Preview Ep. 4

Let's Just Call Jeff on the Jeff Phone

Gary's health worsens and the medical team is called in to check him over. The winners of the immunity challenge are faced with a surprising twist that forces them to make a difficult decision that could alter the game. At tribal council, another castaway is voted off of the islands.

Frustrated over losing a challenge, one Survivor explodes in anger, berating other tribemates and throwing rocks around camp.

One Survivor's deteriorating health becomes a major problem, causing the medical team to arrive. Can this Survivor recover and continue in the game or will their tribe be forced to continue on without them?

A surprise twist is revealed at the Immunity Challenge, forcing the winning team to make a tough decision that could change the course of the entire game.

One Survivor becomes suspicious of another's strategy when they're caught flirting with members of the opposite sex.


The Moto Tribe (the Haves) sweep the challenges once again. Gary will be forced to leave the game for health reasons. The Big Twist is that the tribe that wins Immunity has to choose between the luxury camp and Tribal Council. So if Moto win Immunity then they must vote someone off if they want to stay at the luxury camp. Yauman to Exile Island again?


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