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Survivor Hut

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ep. 4 Liliana Leaves

Ravu Tribe

(the Have Nots) At night after TC, they discuss things. Anthony is quiet as Rocky criticizes him. Big Earl defends him. Rocky says Anthony is driving him insane.

Moto Tribe

(the Have's) Gary says his head is spinning. Cassandra says they are worried about him.

Reward Challenge

Reward: Food! (fish, rice, spices) and Comfort (bed and pillows).
Challenge: Balance beam shuffle.
Cassandra and Gary sit out.
Moto win Reward and picked Yau-mann to go to Exile ISland. Ravu led early but blew it, Anthony did do very well.

Moto Tribe

(the Have's) The luxury camp got more luxurious with the food and bed. Lilianna flirted with the guys and Lisi was wise to it. The medical people came and checked on Gary and he agreed to leave the game.

Ravu Tribe

(the Have Nots) Rocky freaks out, "Five losses in a row is ridiculous! Let's call Jeff now and vote someone off." Anthony caught a lot of flak again and Big Earl tried to defend him again.

Exile Island

Yauman was Exiled.
Yau-man thinks he knows where the Immunity Idol is after reading the clues. Buried under the highest point of the entrance to the cave.

Immunity Challenge

Challenge: Boat relay among locked floating cages and build pyramid. Winning tribe also got a note to read.
Moto won Immunity (again). The note said: switch camps and not vote anyone off ot stay at luxury camp and vote someone off. They chose to vote someone off and keep the comfortable camp.

Schemimg is Free

Moto won the Immunity Challenge but chose to give it up. Dreamz says that they can only afford to lose Lisi and Cassandra. Stacy said in private that he doesn't get the social part of the game. It looks like Liliana or Cassandra.

Tribal Council

Pretty uneventful. They called out Dreamz a little for publically saying Cassandra and Lisi were the weakest.

Voted Off

Lilianna was voted off. Jeff revealed 4 votes for her and one each for Lisi and Cassandra.

Jeff's Final Thought

Liliana's expression said it all, there's definately games being played at camp.

Liliana's Final Words

Wow, so shocked . . . definately 100% shocked . . . I think it's wrong to vote off the strong players so early . . . there are some great liars in that tribe . . .


At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The game seems to be moving very slow. It is hard to gain any interest in it. Does anyone see anything exciting happening any time soon?


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