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Survivor Hut

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Adios Alex

Survivor Fiji, episode 12

A Smile, Velvet Gloves and a Dagger in My Pocket

The strategy of splitting the vote at Tribal Council back fired a little according to Big Earl, he wanted Alex voted off. Stacy tried to make nice with Alex and Earl sent Boo over to break them up.

Alex goes into ninja mode, pretends to be asleep as he listens to Earl.

Earl's Core Four
Earl, Yau-man, Cassandra and Dreamz. Yau-man doesn't like wants Stacy in instead of Dreamz, says Cassandra and Dreamz are too close.

Reward Challenge
Reward: helicopter ride to river raft for winner and two runners up. Winner picks Exile and gets help in Immunity Challenge.
Challenge: Meat collection one mouthful at a time.
Boo won Reward, Yau-man and Dreamz were runners up.

Rafting Trip
Dreamz said that Boo talked too much and was annoying. Lunch full of food and letters from home!

Exile Island: Earl
Earl thinks he can find the Idol with just two clues.

Alex and Dreamz talk and plot to get Boo voted off next.

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: race to dig up climbing steps, 3 finalists then use them to climb up a pole to get a flag. Boo's advantage was that he automatically is in the final.
Finalists: Boo, Dreamz and Alex.
Boo won Immunity. Alex was close.

Scheming Is Free
Looks like Alex is going home. Yau-man says that he won't need to use his Idol. However Alex is trying to get Yau-man voted off. Earl said in private that they're just humoring Alex.

Tribal Council
No big surprise at TC. Jeff asked each if they felt threatened and only Alex replied 'Yes.'
Yau-man did not play his Immunity Idol.

Voted Off: Alex
Final Words: I played to the best of my ability . . . gave 110% every day . . . kids never stop dreaming and believing in yourself . . .

Jeff Probst's Final Thought
I suggest that you head back to camp and sharpen your knives.


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