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Survivor Hut

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ep. 8 Re-cap


Reward Challenge
Food, coffee, letters from home.
Barrel roll obstacle course (including water). Several Survivors were inside big barrels and had to be rolled and floated through a course.
CandiceAitu won Reward and they chose Candice to go to Exile Island.

Exile Island: Candice.

Immunity Challenge
Glass bottom boat, bowling balls release buoys with puzzle pieces.
Aitu won Immunity. Yul figured out a good way to target the bowling balls.

Scheming Is Free
AdamIs Brad the target? It looks that way. The reasoning as explained by Adam (pictured) to Nate is that after the merge Jonathan can't re-form an alliance with Aitu but Brad possibly can.

Tribal Council
NathanTalk was of the mutiny. Candice said she switched because Raro have a good time and win when it counts [at least she's smart enough not to mention Adam]. Nate (pictured) said he's concerned because Candice can play and Jonathan is a leader but that they don't like leaders on Raro [anarchy!]. Brad concludes by saying that he doesn't trust anyone in the tribe [and then is voted off].

Voted Off Brad

Water CoolerWater Cooler Talk
Here's what they'll be talking about at work in the morning.

Did you see how Yul sighted the bowling balls? He's so smart, s-m-r-t.

What is next week's "never seen before twist"? It has something to do with a message in a bottle.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am stunned. Can anyone out there remember a dumber move than the one Candice made to mutiny? And Jonathon's decision to join her? Sure,it keeps you on your toes, but I hate to see people play so badly. If they make the final two, I will deny I wrote this!!!!!


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